India has over 472 million children below the age of 18. Half of these children do not receive adequate nutrition and health care, and only 30 percent study beyond grade 10. OCAT leaders don't see poverty, we see potential. We recognize the uniqueness and human dignity of every child and believe all children are born with innate talents and potential. We simply need to provide children with opportunities to grow and develop to become world citizens while simultaneously helping them realize their dreams.

What does OCAT do with funds donated by sponsors?

We make sure children are attending schools recognized for good academic standards and we pay the required school fees. We give poor children school uniform, notebooks, textbooks, school bags and stationery items. Many children dropout of school because they lack simple school supplies, which families consider unaffordable! Receiving notebooks and other supplies motivates children to go to and stay in school. Books are empowering, helping poor children develop knowledge and skills. We provide a specialized education when school is not enough. We offer a regular health check-up to each child, and share information on health and nutrition with children and their mothers.

Only 3 out of every 10 children are able to complete beyond 10th grade. Stepping into adult life at a very early age, they grow up malnourished, uneducated and exploited: child trafficking, child labor, sexual abuse...these tragic possibilities are real. Children are the most vulnerable members of society and their vulnerability is ruthlessly exploited. OCAT sponsorships can end exploitation and radically change the lives of India's poorest children. For just $30 a month ($360 annually), you can assure a poor, disadvantaged or orphaned child, safety, education, nutrition and clothing. Your funds, payable monthly, quarterly or annually, will make a world of difference to a needy child. Most importantly, once connected to OCAT, your sponsored child receives caring oversight and personal attention.